Mød projektpartnerne og bliv klogere på udfordringerne inden for forebyggelse af oversvømmelsesrisiko i kystzonen, som skal adresseres på tværs af en række discipliner inden for naturvidenskab, økonomi og samfundsvidenskab. Hver af disciplinerne bruger metoder, der kræver store mængder data, behandling og modellering. Sessionen dækker hele spektret fra tilpasning til beredskab såvel som fra nuværende forhold til fremtidige fremtidige fremskrivninger.
Deltagere på High Tech Summit 2019, som afholdes hvert år på DTU, kunne i år deltage i sessionen:
Water Technology and Digitalization (2) Digital tools for coastal protection and climate adaptation
This track highlights the challenges in hazard prevention in the coastal zone, which needs to be addressed across a range of disciplines within physical, economic and social sciences. Each of the disciplines make use of methodologies requiring vast amounts of data, processing and modelling, and a key output from the project is a digital tool facilitating optimal decision-making for end-users. The track covers the entire range from adaptation to emergency preparedness as well as from present conditions to longer-term future projections.
At the time of HTS 2019, the COHERENT project (Innovation Fund 2017-2020) has been running for two out of three years, and a main aim of the track is therefore to present findings therefrom within technical solutions to climate challenges.
A core part of the track participants therefore also derive from COHERENT. However, to both facilitate debate and external opinions on the COHERENT approach as well as to look beyond the COHERENT timeline, external partners within both technical consultancy and tool development as well as end-user/municipalities also participate in the track.
Introduction: “Introduction to the sub-track”, Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen, PhD, Senior Researcher, Group Leader, DTU Management
Business Talk: “Municipal needs and challenges within coastal protection”, Lærke Heimdal Holm, caseworker within nature coastal protection, Halsnæs municipality
Tech Talk: “Storm surge modelling at the municipal level”, Bo Brahtz Christensen, PhD, Coastal Engineer, DHI
Tech Talk: “Damage costs of coastal flooding”, Lisa Bay, Research Assistant, DTU Management
Tech Talk: “Stakeholder engagement in coastal protection”, Carlo Sørensen, PhD, Senior Advisor and Coastal Engineer, Danish Coastal Authority
Business Talk: “Coastal protection decision support tool, DHI perspective”, Nils Drønen, PhD, Chief Coastal Engineer, DHI
Business Talk: “Decision support tool – Scalgo perspective”, Morten Revsbæk, PhD, Direktør, Scalgo,
Business Talk: “The Climate Atlas in coastal protection”, Kristine Skovgaard Madsen, PhD, leader of Oceanography group, DMI
Business Talk: “Coastal flood risk reduction using watertubes”, David Konge, Director and owner, Environment solutions
Debate and questions: “Challenges and solutions within tools to support climate hazards in the future”, all speakers.
Facilitator: Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen