Januar 2021
COHERENT Project results and dissemination (January 2021)
Læs rapporten her (pdf)
Maj 2020
Omkostninger ved
kystoversvømmelse i
Jyllinge Nordmark. Resultater fra spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt beboere.
Kirsten Halsnæs, Philip Lange Møller, Lisa Bay, Lea Skræp Svenningsen, Mads Lykke Dømgaard
og Morten Andreas Dahl
Læs rapporten her (pdf)
November 2019
Social preferences for distributive outcomes of climate policy
Svenningsen, L.S. (2019). Climatic Change, doi.org/10.1007/s10584-019-02546-y
Maj 2019
Special Issue in the journal “Sustainability” on High Impact Events & Climate Change. Guest editing & editorial: Martin Drews & Hilppa Gregow (2019)
Storm surges in long Danish tide-gauge records.
Thejll, P. Drews, M., Thoransdottir T., Guttorp P., et al. (subm). Extremes.
Estimating damage costs to residential buildings in Denmark, subjected to storm surges.
Svenningsen, L.S., Bay, L., Doemgaard, M.L., Skougaard Kaspersen, P., Larsen, M.A.D. and Halsnæs, K. (subm). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)
Juni 2018
Integrated coastal hazard risk reduction and management – a closer look at the dynamic damage cost methodology in COHERENT (pdf)
Kirsten Halsnæs, M. A. Dahl Larsen, N. Drønen, F. Bach Kristensen, C. Sørensen, B. Brahtz Chrisensen
Presented at 2nd Baltic Earth Conference, Helsingborg, Sweeden, June 2018
Decomposing the cascade of uncertainty in risk assessments for urban flooding reflecting critical decision-making issues.
Kirsten Halsnæs, Kaspersen, P.S
Clim. Change 151, 491–506. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-018-2323-y
COHERENT brochure (pdf)